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Pack 608’s Hiking Program

Let’s Take a Hike!

Every month, Pack 608 will host a hike. For dates and locations see the Pack 608 Calendar.

What are the Hiking Program Goals?

This program invites scouts to be more active in the outdoors, to learn more about the environment, to practice “Leave No Trace,” and to learn what type of wild animals and birds live in the local area.

As your scout begins hiking and starts learning the guidelines for Leave No Trace, or how to “Trek Safely”, how to use a map and compass, or even the history of the local parks they will be in, they will be earning mileage credits. The goal is for your scout to have fun while hiking and to enhance their outdoor experience.

Hiking Program Rules

  • A scout may join the hiking program any time during the year.
  • All scouts must have their adult hike with them (no drop-offs).
  • All adults hiking are responsible for their scout and their scout’s needs, such as bathroom breaks, snacks, water, etc.
  • Family members and friends are encouraged to participate in hikes.
  • All adults must be familiar with or trained in BSA Youth Protection Guidelines

Hiking Program Benefits

  • Help scouts become more comfortable in outdoor situations.
  • Scouts look forward to hiking, while earning beads and mileage awards.
  • Reinforces safe cub scouting rules, such as using the buddy system along trails.
  • Numerous opportunities to meet Scouting requirements for additional awards and life lessons.

Are there any recognition items?

Scouts will be recognized for every hike. After their first hike, scouts will receive a cord and their first bead. Each cord will come with a clip for attachment to a backpack or shirt. The cord can also be attached to a walking stick. Below are the awards each scout can earn:

  • Every Hike: Bead
  • Every 10 Miles: Bear Claw
  • 50 Miles: Cub Scout Medallion

When will Hikes Take Place?

  • Once a month, generally on a weekend morning.
  • Never conflicting with other Pack activities.

Where will Hikes Take Place?

  • Area parks and trails
  • Places to participate in and learn about the following: service projects, bird watching, geocaching, geology, history, wildlife, and scenic views.

What should my Scout bring/wear to a Hike?

  • Each Cub Scout needs to carry the Six Essentials on all hikes:
    • A first-aid kit. Purchase or build your own first-aid kit.
    • Water. It can prevent you from facing dehydration, heat exhaustion and heatstroke.
    • A flashlight. You need this to find your way in the dark (and make sure it has fresh batteries).
    • Trail food. You’ll be glad you have fuel to maintain your energy.
    • Sun protection. This might include sunblock, sunglasses, lip balm and a wide-brimmed hat. Applying your sun protection properly is also key.
    • A whistle. Use it to call for help if you’re lost. Don’t use a whistle for fun!
  • Other important things to bring/wear:
    • Socks and Sturdy Shoes
    • Daypack/Backpack
    • Rain Poncho or Jacket
    • Gloves and Warm Hat

How much does the hiking program cost?

$ZERO!  The hiking program has no additional costs.

What should I expect on a hike?

The length of hikes will range typically 2-5 miles. Older Scouts may opt for longer, but must maintain appropriate leadership and youth protection requirements.

All hikes MUST have TWO deep leadership to proceed.  This means that an adult is assigned as the lead person of the group, so any obstructions or dangers on the trail are noticed.  We may allow an older Scout to “Lead”, allowing this scout to work on map reading and use of a compass. Additionally, an adult is assigned as the last person in the group.  No one is allowed behind this individual. This ensures that no one gets left behind.  The Pack hikes as a unit. We start together, break together, etc, with everyone following the same trail.

What are the Leave No Trace Principles?

As Scouts, we follow the Leave No Trace principles:

  • Plan Ahead and Prepare.
  • Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces. Stay on the trail.
  • Dispose of Waste Properly. Pack out all trash and leftover food.
  • Leave What You Find. Leave rocks, sticks, plants, animals as you found them.
  • Minimize Campfire Impacts.
  • Respect Wildlife. Observe wildlife without disturbing them.
  • Be Considerate of Other Visitors. Let nature’s sounds prevail.

How can Families get Involved?

  • Help your scout plan and prepare for the hike.
  • Be enthusiastic about the adventures you will share with your scout.
  • Be a role model for your scout by keeping a positive outlook during challenge hikes.
  • Come prepared with information about the local area that you can share with the group.

How Should Hikers Behave While Hiking?

  • Have Good Manners and Respect Nature. Families can share the values of leaving nature undisturbed and intact for others to enjoy.
  • Be enthusiastic! The hill may seem insurmountable to your scout. The example that you set will be the model that the scouts will follow.

What are the Trail Rules?

  • Stay on developed trails. Cutting across switchbacks can trample down vegetation that holds topsoil in place.
  • Travel single file on most trails-leave some space between you and the person ahead of you.
  • Give other hikers the right of way. Scouts should move to the side of the trail.
  • If you meet a person on horseback, stop where you are, and stand quietly while the animals pass. This will pre­vent the horse from being spooked.
  • Do not pick, cut, or abuse any plants or animals. You are a visitor in their home.
  • Follow the Leave No Trace principles.
  • Leave all gates the way that you found them.
  • Do not repair trails or remove logs, branches, or boulders from the trail without prior approval.
  • Abide by all the rules and regulations of the area in which you are hiking.
  • Do not operate any audio devices, including radios, musical instruments or other noise-producing devices.
  • Pick up litter that you encounter on the trail (disposable gloves required). A Scout leaves an area better than when they found it.

What Awards Can I Earn?

 Talk with your Den Leader about how hiking can contribute to various scouting awards:

  • Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award
  • Cub Scout World Conservation Award
  • Cub Scout Leave No Trace Awareness Award

Helpful Resources:

The Outdoor Code:

As an American, I will do my best to –

  • Be clean in my outdoor manners.
  • Be careful with fire.
  • Be considerate in the outdoors.
  • Be conservation minded.
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