Christmas Tree Recycling
Pack 608 Christmas Tree Pickup Request
Cub Scout Pack 608 will be collecting Christmas trees on:
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Place trees at the curb before 8:00 am.
Suggested contribution of $15 per tree.
- PayPal:
- Zelle:
- Check: Vancouver Cub Scout Pack 608, 13023 NE Hwy 99, Ste. 7 #739, Vancouver, WA 98686
Check your address to see if you are in a neighborhood assigned to Pack 608:
If your address is in a Pack 608 assigned neighborhood, please use this Google Form to schedule a pickup.
If your address is in a Pack 608 assigned neighborhood and has not been picked up by 3 pm on Saturday (January 4th, 2025), please text or email us (including your address) and we will arrange a volunteer to collect it.
Phone: 360-818-4740